Latent eating addiction

Pathological nutrition habituations can lead to eating disorders. The number eating disorders increase, frequently aren't diagnosed as clinical pictures although under-the extreme or overweight people. One distinguishes between four clinical pictures: One of this is the latent eating addiction, the so-called latent adiposis. The persons affected are here women as in the case of bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa mostly, too. You are overweight normal or lightly mostly, however, hold on for far too fat. In our society the wish becomes after slim to be still stronger. Today's ideal of beauty often corresponds "be above average". This one to a latent eating addiction fell ill for people, women live eatings in a change between diet hold and too much mostly. You this permanently measure their body weight and have great weight fluctuations within short time in which so-called jojo effect often appears. Typical symptoms are excessively rapid eating, feelings of guilt and disgusts after the eating secret out of sense of shame. After parliamentary allowance, however, is very far common and almost is part of the everyday life, such illnesses stand out very rarely. The causes are various also here, they can be conditional psychically, biologically or culturally. Main causes often lie in the family where problems aren't dealt with openly. Positive experience with the assumption to be able keep the ideal weight only by parliamentary allowance can lead the beginning to the loss of the self-esteem after failure. So a harmless latent adiposis can cause grave eating disorders. The limits are fluently and heavily recognizable mostly.

Being not seriousness taken any more and eating serves for spontaneous satisfaction of the hunger not eased and the weight fluctuations of inside short time increase, if they then should take seriously these symptoms and their family doctor find, if the needs and of one's own body signals. An addiction disease is, because of this the chances of recovery are impossible without a technical medical treatment mostly. Your family doctor can recommend you appropriate therapy possibilities or advice centers

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