
Iron is part of the group of the minerals. It is an important regulator substance and an essential trace element. It is available in large quantities in the human body. Iron happens just like into animal in front of, but a vegetable iron is worse usable in vegetable foods. Vitamin C helps at the resorption. Good iron suppliers are whole grain cereal products, vegetables and fruit. Numerous tasks get filled in the organism by iron. It plays an important role in the blood formation, it is component of the erythrocyten, the red blood corpuscles. The red blood pigment into the erythrocyten is the hemoglobin which is in the organism of importance at the oxygen transport. In addition, it is responsible for the oxygen pool in the musculature, for the power generation among others iron deficiency can cause anemia, headaches and exhaustion in the metabolism and at the cell formation. An over-dosage can life-threateningly be and lead to diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis and different infections.

The minimum need is between 10-12 magnesium, pregnant women and calming about 20-30 mg per day should take more iron.

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