
Iodine is part of the group of the minerals. It is an important regulator substance and an essential trace element. Iodine must be taken with the nutrition. As a nutrition supplement means one often finds iodine in dish salts in the form of sodium potassium iodide. It is used as disinfectants, contrast medium or as a thyroid gland medicine in the medicine. The most important iodine suppliers are sea animals, salt-water fishes like cod, haddock, pollack, mussels, dish salt, meat, dairy products and potable water.

From the stomach intestine tract with the blood it reaches the thyroid and is installed into the thyroid hormones. A lack of thyroid hormones most important to two, T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (tetraiodothyronine), can have negative effects on the physical and mental development and on the growth. By iodine deficiency which can trigger breath and drink troubles the thyroid grows and forms a goiter.

The minimum need is about 180-200 mg. Calming and pregnant women should take 230-260 m per day.

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