
Cholesterol is a constituent of every body cell. It is counted as one of the lipids and is part of the group of the nutrition fats with that. Cholesterol can be taken with the nutrition or produced in the body itself. It is formed in the liver mostly, however. One finds cholesterol in almost all tissues of the body. It is an important component of the cell membranes and puts the precursor for the gall acid and steroid hormones like estrogens, androgens, cortisol and aldosterone. In addition, cholesterol also can the precursor for vitamin at sufficing solar radiation form D.

Cholesterol happens only in animal foods. It gets bound to egg-white in the blood and as a HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) or as a LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) transports. Increased LDL can lead to arteriosclerosis or heart conditions.

Cholesterol values are determined from the blood. Different diseases as well as e.g. thyroid hyperfunction, malignant tumors, liver damages, hypercholesterolemia etc., can change the cholesterol values.

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