
Oral sex is a far common sexual method in which the genitalia of the sex partner are touched and stimulated with the lips or with the tongue. Either one takes the partner to the orgasm by oral sex or he only is used as a prelude. Oralsex is possible both at the men and with women. One calls the oral penis stimulation at men fellation, the oral vaginal stimulation with women one calls cunnilingus.

Men like it particularly because be able to let come they fall to themselves during the act be able to do and "only enjoy" and nevertheless come to the orgasm as passive partners without doing something for this. With women the oral vaginal stimulation gets also still more popular. At oral sex, the clitoris is stimulated much more intensively than at the sexual intercourse, the excitement can be much stronger so. However, it the labia or the clitoris of the woman only has importantly tenderly and gently to be touched and stimulated with lips or tongue or else a strong pressure to a place can rapidly cause pains for example.

However, there are also other possibilities for the oral stimulation, for example the position "sixty-nine". At this technique the genitalia get twoer partner simultaneously stimulates. However, also gives to less common sexual practices like the so-called Anus stimulation although the Anus isn't counted as one of sexual organs but contains many sensitive nerve endings and therefore can be excited rapidly. Here the anus area is stimulated with the tongue or lips. The intensive penetration can be only a light touch with the tongue.

It is the most important advantage of the oral traffic that no contraception is necessary, no fertilization takes place there. To be paid attention on the hygiene has very importantly at oral traffic. This species of the sexual intercourse isn't harmless from the medical view since it also can lightly lead infection to HIV to transmissible diseases like syphilis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B or in rare cases.


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