Vacation as a separation reason

If a pair can only spend little time with each other in the weekday, a vacation together as a "balm for a relation" is often recommended. But the vacation spent jointly also can prove to be a relation killer. Approximately a third of all divorces is submitted after a vacation spent jointly.

The most beautiful days in the year, the for a long time longed-for vacation frequently ends with a small disaster. An opportunity of the recovery finally is there, one can spend much time with the partner. However, the partners have too high expectations opposite their partner. The vacation together is colored before before beautifully but this partner would like more freedoms for himself.

The vacation frequently isn't the true reason but merely the trigger of the separation. Problems were these swept and not mentioned on the remaining days of the year under the carpet come to come on vacation strongly out. In front of the problems the pair doesn't have any flight possibility into the work this time, they must be together round-the-clock. You are under permanent conversation compulsion and notice that they have themselves nothing more to tell actually. What it still binds the only one are frequently the children and the common house together.

Young relations don't end with the separation rarely after the first longer vacation together but either. The pairs suddenly discover that it ties nothing apart from the sexual appeal. You don't have any topic and don't want to follow common activities actually.

The discrepancies frequently already begin at the vacation planning particularly when two different "vacation types" meet in the relation. The one would like to the sea, the different one to the mountains. Some want to recover on vacation and do little possibly, others however want to go on a culture or adventure vacation and everything see and try out. Everybody must reach an agreement the pairs, must his interests feel considered sooner or later at different leisure sinter eatings: now we drive to the sea, the next vacation, however, goes to the mountains.

A common planning of the vacation is important particularly for families with children. This isn't said, though, that every day of holiday should be planned wrongly pernicketily. It appropriately makes sense against this to make thoughts on the program to itself in the bad weather. In addition, the work division should, who for example takes when boil, tidy and clean, be cleared before. Who can afford it should one before and after the vacation couple of devoid of days include in one's plans. All the same to go from the work to the vacation is a considerable stress factor. Work should stay at home if possible.

Both partners must make compromises and grant the other one clearances so. Proximity is far too many so much, can plan a vacation with friendly pairs whom. The partners don't have to spend all the time there together. In the group people find themselves certain with the same interests and one can do himself a little on this one without the partner and without a guilty conscience together. In the evening, one then can please and tell himself to him about the day on the partner again.


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