Unintentionally childless

Every sixth remains unintentionally childless to seventh couple in Germany. The child wish can represent a considerable psychic load for the pairs concerned and also for her relation. Many pairs see the greatest fulfillment of their love and their life in a child. Sometimes it can last for several months or years enters to a pregnancy. One must worry about a possible disturbance of the fertility only after a year, though. It frequently lies that the pregnancy didn't adapt yet because the pairs don't know when the fertile days of the woman in the month are. The women must learn to know their body better and to interpret the signals of their body.

They can find the time of their ovulation out with different methods such as the calendar or the basal basal body temperature charting. A medical examination doesn't bring these methods any success, however, either, is carried out on the search for the disturbance. Sterility means the absence of biological prerequisites for a pregnancy or procreation from the medical view. The reason for a fertility disturbance can lie both with the woman and with the man and approximately although frequently be. Both have a disturbance more rarely. Sometimes there isn't any reason for the sterility from the medical view.

Also false nutrition, medicines, too low or too high body weight, environmental influences, nicotine or alcohol can influence the fertility negatively. But only physical but also spiritual causes cannot be responsible for the sterility, such as too many stress or unsolved internal conflicts or unconscious anxieties. The persons affected are frequently frustrated, despaired, sadly and have feelings of guilt. You frequently think they would have a "fault" in themselves. Feels loading many very much a child to give rise to the pressure, finite.

Can desire-feel himself on this, the fertile days, to subordinate the sexual activities to the woman the have a couple negative effect. This can lead to conflicts at pairs with a child wish minted differently strongly. In addition, many with one reduced desire react feel or other sexual problems. The partner who doesn't suffer from the unfulfilled child wish so much can react with lack of understanding. Some also have anxiety that their partner would leave it because they cannot have any babies.

Nowadays there are however many possibilities to put the child wish into effect. The different medical treatments, the pressure, finally being having a baby as well as which more unfulfilledly makes child wish despite different medical treatments the partnership on a solid test. During the medical treatment the pair needs much patience. They have frequently pushed the feeling to their physical and spiritual limits to be. After every medical treatment the waiting is carried out: will it work this time? If the hope for the child of one's own isn't fulfilled anyway, the disappointment is very big.

Sterility is still a taboo topic for many. Visits at friendly pairs which already have children are canceled particularly if it only is all about diaper climacterics and bringing up of children there and they can contribute nothing to the topic. You isoloate yourself increasingly. Women concerned frequently suffer from lacking self-esteem or frequently get depressive. Men try to compensate for their putative biological defect by an increased professional engagement. The environment reacts with sympathy, lack of understanding or a helpless silence. The pair must process after the unsuccessful fertility medical treatments that they cannot have babies of their own. The reorientation phase then can start and the pair can nevertheless lead a fulfilled life.

Some pairs decide in favor of an adoption. This isn't the best solution and no direct alternative to the child of one's own for everyone. The adopted child cannot be a use for a physical child. In the adoption a home is primarily sought for the child and not fulfilled the child wish of a childless pair. If the pressure finally falls according to the anancastic child wish, though and they can enjoy her love eased again, sometimes the for a long time longed-for pregnancy enters unexpectedly, too.



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