Unintentional single

In the past, the only possibility of escaping from the parental home was the marriage for an already adult woman. Nowadays decide in favor of a life consciously of more and more women and men without a firm relation and enjoy their independence at least for a while. The single life found increasingly also in the society acceptance. Besides training, studies and hobbies some have no time for a firm relation or want to enjoy the life, to celebrate journeys, parties but still to not commit themselves tightly. Many want to get active after the training or studies professionally only before they found a family.

In turn others aren't (more) so happy with their single existence at all and long for a partner. Or they have a separation behind himself just and learn to live alone again, to master the weekday alone. You suffer from the solitude and to absence of a partner, with which they can exchange themselves. Some sink into self-pity or into depression, are afraid to get old alone. You try in vain in different contact stock exchanges often to find a partner or permanently are on parties on the search for their dream partner. As a rule, many do sports and you do a little reluctantly with pairs together. You would like to give up their single life, long for a firm long partnership and finally want children of your own.

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