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The Ex

This one a separation frequently goes painfully, for at least a person as a rule as a rule the left is. The separation both partners wanted, can just lightly this process itself not both at the end of the relation also if. What happens after the completion of the relation? How one shall behave opposite the man, which was the most important person of his life for a long time? It isn't easy particularly for those which have been left "to erase" the other person from the life.

Not works so simply good friends to stay with the set phrase. It works if two former partner really had already also this one processed the loss, left. One must be able to let the former partner off first. It most lightly works if more doesn't have contact at least at the beginning which one all over. It should first rakes no more sexual contact with this all over take place. Telephone calls are taboo, just like a meeting to mourn the loss of beautiful times together about this one. One should resist the temptation to enquire with mutual friends how this is all over or whether he already found a new love. If one hasn't completed others of the two with the senses of it yet, he isn't ready for a new relation yet. First, the injury and the disappointment of the former partner also must be processed.

It is help empire to get clear about it why the deserted person wants to maintain the relation. Why does this person want to cling to it still really all over? Is there perhaps still the hope that this one all over comes back and the relation would like to lead further again? One should remain and accept in the reality that the dear man is gone. And not permanently hoping that, sometime, this one returns all over to it again to begin the relation again

The situation from another view: A relation to somebody all over hangs this one still at the/this. How should one behave if our new partner has all over an intensive contact to his and this disturbs us? It sounds very "cool" if one has a good relation to it all over unless it is the partner of one's own. The new friend probably doesn't like very much to see it either if the partner discusses the everyday problems of the current partnership with his/m all over. Primarily then if the problems only are discussed all over with her in the new relation instead of with the current partner. About this one must just talk with the partner and put clearly, that she disturbs and ask him to break off the contact. What happens if the partner isn't ready for it? Or highly and sacredly promises to it that, between them, it is nothing more than a friendship. One may react hysterically in no case here but the permanent presence relevantly clear to him make clear that, all over in the the relation disturbs and ask him to change this and to break off the contact. Jealousy scenes can load very much and perhaps lead to a completion of the relation the relation.

If children already date from the previous relationship, the contact to it cannot be so simply broken off all over, however. In the ideal case, furthermore both parents take care of the common children after the separation. The education problems must solve both like adults and they may their children in no case as a means for their power struggle or blackmail attempts take advantage of an old and new partner opposite.



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