Sexuality in the age

Sexuality in the age is charged by prejudices, is often treated as taboo when there wouldn't be she. But a filled sex life doesn't have automatically to end with the reproductiveness. A satisfactory sexuality seems positive to bodies and mind and holds fit up to the old age. One shouldn't compare the sexuality with the one in the age in the younger years, though. As the attitude is in the life to certain things under permanent change changes themselves, as well the attitude to the sexuality. Sex doesn't mean only coitus, it doesn't always have to come to the penetration. Is part also of a satisfactory sex life to exchange a small love proof or tenderness? This is also important for talks with each other in the age.

So one can dismantle possible misunderstandings. Like the whole body the sexual organs and their reaction also change in the age. Women must be longer stimulated until the sheath gets wet. The sexual intercourse gets painful at a dry vagina. The pain also impedes the desire. Can be helped with gliding creams, however, these cannot replace the missing desire. The erection develops more slowly than in the younger years at men. After the peak they also need more time around a new erection to reach. The age has also positive side-effects: Men over 40 suffer ejaculation from premature the pairs and must not of the prophylaxis take care either any more more rarely. Lives for a long time be worth the sexuality to whom high value took, will be an important area of life in the old age also.

Who accepts and likes its body will be able to accept the changes more lightly. Older work more attractively than they believe it much. Physical changes can have a negative effect on the sexuality. Older people, these under suffering high blood pressure, being afraid of the sexual intercourse at whom the blood pressure rises and it could come to a stroke through this. Medicines also can influence the potency. Diabetes also can cause impotences. Women whose womb was removed can get operations in the abdominal cavity after this one to adhesions which hurt. Or they cannot accept a body without womb.

Besides physical restrictions the missing partner whom one lost through separation or death is frequently a reason for a sexual abstinence. After a long pause in the sex the new beginnings can be more difficult sometimes. Not only physical obstacles are in the way. For older people who live in an old people's home the necessary space is often missing where they can retire and its sexuality live it up with hers perhaps into home of found new partner.


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