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Relation traps

Every relation is different. However, what is almost common to everyone that at the beginning the partners have frequently too high or false expectations and imaginations from each other. However, the reality frequently looks different, the partner isn't perfect or image not painted in the dream corresponds. The differences, weaknesses but also strengths of the partner discovering themselves in the narrow living space, the common apartment, more opportunity devotedly, if the pair moves together

However, it is false to suppress the disappointment and trouble about the deficits as well as the aggressions. Also positive feelings like love and affection otherwise are suppressed. It prefers to recommend itself the suppressed feelings outbreak at full term and constructively and it comes argue, before the barrel of the feelings overflows then sometime to a sudden and explosive. Are argued apparently only around small things in a lot of relations, behind these small things, however, the real problems hide. There is often a lacking communication between the partners.

This frequently confines himself to the organization of the weekday merely and for the partner is included in one's plans too little time. The problems are frequently treated as taboo. If it is in a crisis in a partnership, these want to save many by children. A child makes high demands on the parents primarily this also in an otherwise stable relation, first, however. So the children cannot take over the task of saving a crumbling relation.

The partner attacked but the problem shouldn't simply be cleared at problems. Perhaps boring and inefficiency would be a partner who always is of the same opinion very comfortably but in the long run, too. Contradiction and arguing constructively are therefore no negative quality and no sign that with the partnership something isn't correct but rather a sign that one thinks just differently.

One should find time for each other besides the everyday problems. Even if it sounds funny at the beginning if it isn't one durable differently, one should write down the planned time together on the appointment book. Just as appointments together, such as cinema or concert visits or romantic dinner together, in the appointment book were in the starting time.


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