Relation killer

Although every relation is different. But everyone almost longs for a partnership which is peaceful and proceeding harmonically. Many go with the expectation in a relation that it will work in any case. So unfortunately, they think that they must contribute nothing themselves to an operating partnership. The pairs frequently make also unconsciously errors. Here some examples of the most frequent relation killers:

• If conflicts aren't cleared and the negative feelings only still further accumulate, it comes to an explosive outbreak sometime. This can con-trains of these conflicts lead up to chronic back and headaches as well as gastric ulcers. In addition, the partner feels inwardly empty and leaves his partner always further.
• Power games ruin a relation. In such a relationship both partners suffer. A partnership must be a profit for the two partners.
• Clipping exclusively to the partner is frequently a problem. This considerable risk is self-supporting if into itself a partner neglects his earlier circle of friends, doesn't follow his hobbies any more but would like to spend his whole leisure time with the partner only. Correctly is together her circles of friends in the adequate frame if two and, at times, received and also the time and energy alone invest in her hobbies, too.
• Who permanently criticizes his partner swears at, him completely disregards and devalues reached only that the attacked reacts aggressively or more always retires into himself.
• In the partnership everybody must dare to talk about his own wishes. Unsaid wishes are fulfilled rarely. Also in a well operating relation the partner cannot always anticipate what the other one would like. One must talk with his partner about his feelings and dreams as well as plans for the future.
• A gap getting bigger and bigger makes between itself and his partner who doesn't talk over his problems with the partner because he thinks he should cope with these alone. "Speechlessness" and a growing depersonalization are the consequence.
• Last, one permanently must check the partner opposite still adequately whether the expectations are and primarily whether they are enough for the image that the partner has got of one by now.


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