Relation anxiety

While many people are longing for a partner, there are people who are afraid of a relation. You only aren't afraid of a relationship, they are also afraid of the responsibility for another man. This behavior isn't frequently conscious to them. Men rather used to plan the reputation nowadays younger woman is primarily it to be afraid of firm relations like. The striving for liberty and individuality is simultaneously availably competition in every man with the desire for proximity, security, protection by the neighbor. With relation incompetent people the desire for the liberty outweighs the longing for love and security.

Relationship anxiety and loss anxiety stand by each other near. In the relationship fear the fears join in also losing the dear man. Some people have already made bad experiences in the childhood with the loss of a dear person (e.g. mother or father). As a rule, the first relationship in the life of a man arises between mother and child. If this relationship or the natural separation of the relationship is "disturbed", however, this also will have an effect on its later partner relations. You have even in the condition the be fallen in love to weigh because they are dread to lose the dear person again got back afraid to fall in love, himself. You rather back off to not have to cope with a loss, a renewed rejection any more.

Relation incompetent people cannot build up long-term responsibility opposite neighbors, family and friends. You frequently change their partners. You don't manage to become closer to other people, they only care actually about themselves. The anxiety in the partnership also has an effect on its sex life: they go onto a sexual distance or don't get any orgasm. If a relation threatens to get too serious, i.e. lasting, they flee out of the relation. However, it isn't said that they don't long for a partnership. You don't manage frequently to leave the partner and wait long enough until they are left or provoke these. And make the same error in their future relations again. A professional help can start here.



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