Power struggles

In a partnership the power should be distributed at once in the ideal case. This can mean the access to different areas like money, acquisitions, informations, profession, leisure time, child wish and bringing up of children as well as distribution of tasks and relations. The roles are in many partnerships, however, knits partitionedly. Only one frequently dominates of the two. However, a relation shouldn't be a profit loss game in which a partner always gets only his advantage out. Claims to power frequently start out from men.

At the beginning of a relation, as a rule, the partners are still ready to go into compromises to not lose the other one. As soon as the relation works out gradually, the partners try out the power tolerance of the different one after and after. The partners don't comply with requests of the other any more or it is expressed by the dominant partner that the "weaker" one doesn't have any right to requests.

Power struggles harm a partnership and but two partners. The dominant partner stands out due to missing one feeling fortune and lacking sympathy with the partner. The more powerful one tries to check his partner. "The powerful" doesn't suffer, he can even become embittered or also fall ill with it. This can speak in exhaustion, disappointment, injuries or helplessness. Actually two partners are then permanently upset in such relations and they dissatisfiedly feel put at a disadvantage and treated unjustly. You very often argue around banalities. In addition, discussions and outbursts of rage still stand on the day program. The children are frequently used as form of pressure. The love and finally the relation can power fairs fail at the permanent one.

In an excellent partnership one must be able to make compromises more than one thinks: being able to also in certain situations to lead by the different one. Both partners should alternately take the leadership and decision position. Everybody should ideally be in charge there where he knows best. Aim is reaching a profit situation for the two partners. If the pair shouldn't manage to solve the problem itself, they must address a professional help.


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