Perfect pairs

Both partners must work on the receipt of the partnership solidly. Although much after a long continuous, well operating partnership, many isn't conscious that they must work also very solidly in today's fast-moving society long, however.

In the ideal case both partners think about basic questions at once and common objectives can formulate. Standard of education age origin, philosophy of life more socially shouldn't differ from each other too much. Although it works sometimes even if the differences are greater but one of the partners must make considerably more compromises here. The partners shouldn't do without and retire on their hobbies and friends.

You mustn't exclusively only go into the needs of the partner and for this hers be suitable put interests back. At the beginning of a relation will forget friends rapidly, which, however, have found new friends and "no longer there are" at a possible completion of the relation by now. Both partners need their own clearances to not feel restricted by the partner.

At discontent should say themselves the partners and argue constructively best. You must be able to listen to the partner actively and be capable to put yourself into his situation. You must be able to communicate with each other as it is what it moves, what it loads for them. Times of crisis are also normal in a partnership but can have to be mastered jointly and the problems solved jointly this and the times of the discontent.

These the other the partner overtax for example professionally, must relieve him at times at problems. The pair needs reciprocal confidence and support, the partner must feel, I stand by you, are at your side, we have common objectives. You shouldn't regard her relation as a power game, in the long run this kills the love.

You must also be able to master the weekday together and find time also next to the children for each other and for their relation. Humor and common activities also are part of an excellent partnership. Small gifts in the weekday help to get the love for a long time. In addition, the partnership profits from a satisfactory sexuality also after years.


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