
Everybody almost knows lovesickness. Lovesickness isn't age dependent, everyone almost has at least seen this feeling in the life once. The loss of the dear partner can hurt very much. However, many also suffer from lovesickness if it doesn't even come to a relationship. The dear man frequently doesn't even know at all that somebody had fallen in love with him "utterly".

Lovesickness can make ill spiritually and physically. The symptoms can himself in stomach and headaches up to sleeplessnesses, reach of discords to depressions. Patients which suffer from it frequently don't have any appetite and lose weight. The affected ones by the lovesickness fall into a fossa, don't feel something like doing, only brood in front of themselves to. You show interest neither at other people nor at the before important leisure activities. It frequently comes to achievement burglaries in profession or in school. Some reach for the alcohol or think about suicide. In turn others imagine themselves in the hope that the partner comes back anyway.

How one can soothe the lovesickness?

One should take enough time for the mourning after the partner to win distance. However, it helps to have a good cry with friends to listen to the same story again and again can strain its patience also. Recommends himself at least in the starting time or shortly after the separation to break off the contact to it all over best. Persons affected should not call with it all over either and ask for it or its possible new relation with mutual friends. It helps all keepsakes to the to clear away all over. These can be kept in a big box in the cellar. Further helps are, "announce" the partner from the soul: the latter send away into the diary or in letters to the all over, in no case, however! If it works, the person affected should go on vacation and then look for new objectives. One should guard against extortions. If the partner should return out of sympathy possibly for restricted time, the relation is handicapped and stamped by the fear of being left once again. Who can't cope with the lovesickness alone should call on professional help. The lovesickness can be coped with by the time and a new love mostly.



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