Love at work

Why do so many relations arise "just" at work? As a rule, these relations hold, or which one longer than vacation acquaintances these have taken place on parties. In the office one spends more time with each other as or else someplace different. Is closed at common work one has to get to know more opportunity and time the future ones and to watch his habituations as he works how reliable he is:

Eating and drinking habituations, days can be got to know well. In addition, one can the company celebration flirts permanently with other or helps to tidy observe whether the different one on. Soon is boring or around their clearances, though, if they are together with the partner also the whole day be afraid of some. The pleasure is gone at some going home and finally meeting the partner there in the evening.

How one should behave if it has sparked at work?

Everyone shouldn't learn about the relation at once at least until "proves" whether it was only an affair or a longer relation develops out of this. The pair shouldn't mix private and business interests. In addition, one must resist the temptation learn familiar informations from the partner and pull personal advantages out of the relation. Little hand hold and Knut's should be avoided at work, they pull only jealous looks at himself tight. Private quarrellings or pet names as well concern the colleagues nothing. One should keep for at home rather and not inform about over the companies e-mail, sent to everyone by mistake perhaps, love proof. Also other colleagues con-harvests which also have access to the mails can this. For intimate details on the partner the colleagues also aren't the right interlocutors.

The job performance of the pair mustn't suffer from the love. It caution is advisable if the only subject is the work at the pair, also other common interest fields should be available. It has importantly to be taken care that the contact to the colleagues isn't lost: one should spend the previous common activities (e.g. the lunch break together) with the colleagues best furthermore. If the relation comes to an end sometime anyway, one remains quite alone.

Presupposed in relations to the boss both were singles before, one should be even more careful. Perhaps the "subordinate" becomes career no longer seriously taken seriously in his professional one. The relations to the boss really should develop into a grave and longer relation, recommend themselves change the department or the job. Very dangerously can to be a relation with the married boss.

Best, if they haven't worked with the relation anyway and this one all over sits in the space the whole day they recommend themselves apply if they work a transfer into another department. Intrigues and badly over this one all over should talk avoided be. The colleagues must be informed about the completion of the relation, through this one can form the gossip factory of bridle.


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