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Jealousy is the fear of competitor, fear of losing the dear person. The jealousy is often a separation or reason for divorce, however, can if necessary save relations measured out correctly. To be played with that has very riskily, however. Jealousy also is called "green monster". Jealous people feel impossible and unnoticed of the dear person. You experience many negative atmosphere lies suddenly: Rage, despair, mourning, hate and contempt.

Jealous people have a damaged self-esteem, they doubt themselves, their pride is hurt mostly. If self murder threats or outbursts of rage also arrive, are the sign of a pathological jealousy. A jealous person claims to have or to have the partner or the object of his jealousy quite alone for herself. You permanently check him and don't give him any clearance to have to share him with nobody. There isn't jealousy only in the love but also in other human relations, such as within the family, under friends/inside or what for colleagues.

In this love and jealousy stand which relationship by each other? On the other hand, love is positive, load jealousy with negative feelings. How can one cope with the jealousy? A partnership should build on confidence. One becomes jealousy, primarily the unfounded jealousy a relation harm. It can ruin the love and also be the separation reason to the closure for duration. How can a partnership work without a reciprocal confidence? One may the jealousy, this one it has remained (e.g. to be deceived by the previous partner), the new open don't automatically transfer a relation perhaps from an earlier partnership than a negative memory. The being unfaithful of the partner is not only a breach of trust but the deceived feels excluded and humiliated.

Jealous women look for the guilt at themselves e.g. if the man is putatively unfaithful and try to improve the relation. First, men however always think of rivals. The jealousy of the men often doesn't only focus on a person but on the professional or private successes of the partner.

Some people aren't jealous at all. As a rule, self-confident people who know their own powers tend to a jealous behavior more rarely. If one goes into a relation, one shouldn't neglect the earlier friends or hobbies. You help to overcome jealousy if one doesn't agree on his own life exclusively of the respective partner by one clinging to him. One can address a professional help and increase the self-esteem of his own and stabilize the personality by the therapy.


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