(Intimate) hygiene

This can seeming quite love killing if the partner is grumpy. The eye eats, the perception of the partner is carried out also with several sense organs such as the nose like. The smell is decisive at the choice of partner. One would rather avoid a person being grumpy, instead of with it into near, let alone get in intimate contact.

Every man smells. However, it is a difference, whether one smells of the sports or hasn't washed for days. In the puberty the increased nozzle production begins in the body and it comes to increased shoulder sweat. The genital area is warm and rapidly unpleasant smells can wetly develop there.

Everybody should therefore pay attention to the minimum hygiene. Intimate deodorant or wet cloths don't only replace washing minimumly roughly either. It is advisable to wash minimumly, after sports and sex still one times. However, a false intimate hygiene (vaginal shower, intimate deodorant) is also as harmful as an unsatisfactory one. Washing too frequently destroys the natural protective layer of the skin.

Sheath irrigations are harmful since they confuse the natural flora of the sheath. Bacteria can establish themselves in the sheath dried out and this can lead to a sheath infection. Shoots lie in wait in washcloths and sponges, one therefore should do without these best. With these the causative agents can be transported into the sheath orifice.

Somebody nevertheless wouldn't like these only have to be used once and boiled after this to do without her. Also for men a carefully drying up after washing has importantly to be protected from infections around themselves. In addition, they (the men) also should do without intimate deodorants.

After the urination girls should hers dab dryly, not rub the genital area carefully. After the bowel movement always from the front to wipe off behind. Who has a malodorous discharge, though, this is frequently a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case a physician should urgently be gone to.

Women should carry pair of briefs agony lies only during their menstruation. By the plastic underside of the inlays the skin cannot breathe any more. This is the best culture medium for infections, mushrooms. Exact like far too tight trousers or synthetic pairs of briefs and underwear.


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