
Flirting, making a nice compliment, making the halo, flirting: there are many words for the overtureses two people. Already babies can flirt. In the communication a flirtation frequently begins with body language. The first overtureses are carried out with a visual contact. By a smile the sympathy is strengthened. E.g. this can pass over depending on place and situation in gestures, body is leant forwards, door is held back to then change into nice conversations later. But respect, not every smile is a flirtation experiment at once.

There are situations, into which no body language can be used like in the letter, mail, SMS or chat. One absolutely can flirt, however, on the telephone, playing with words and the voice. Gives flirtation pages every crowd on the Internet. Also shy people frequently use this medium to their first flirtation experiments.

A flirtation doesn't have to end in a relation. It is often only a self-affirmation for the person: I am still attractive for the other sex. Flirting boosts the self-confidence, however caution, the partner can get jealous. If the partner too frequently flirts with others, this can lead to conflicts in the relation. Whom disturbs, should talk, make it clear and ask the partner for it frankly best to do this no longer so intensively. Particularly if somebody suffers from a "flirtation addiction", it can be very hurtful for its partner.

Of course a flirtation includes the risk of getting a basket. The two ones involved can let themselves in for a flirtation from different interests. What the one has started as a grave overtures can mean only a harmless game for the other one. It is advisable to reconsider the flirtation methods, if it comes, however, to a rejection once in a while, and change. Again and again, e.g. it isn't very appropriate to ask the same questions on which one would like to hear certain responses. However, it can happen that the flirtation experiment isn't carried out at the right place and not at the right time. Who asks a person about an open street in the night must expect a nonacceptance in a bar or on a party sooner than at the same time.



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