
If it is about the money, only friendships but also relations aren't discontinued. Many partnerships fail because of the different financial moral concepts of the partners. If a pair liked to move together, among other things they also must talk about the finances to spare oneself unpleasant surprises. Realizing the partners already in front of this conversation where the financial preferences of the different one lie. One is aware already in the knowing studying phase also unconsciously as the partner handles money. Does he prefer to spend money on his clothes or on his hobbies? How often and where does he go on vacation? Does he prefer to save up for an expensive vacation or is he more value on dearer to it regularly nicely to go out? How often does he buy piece of furniture or a new car for himself? Does it have to be the latest technical apparatus always with him? Does he live about his conditions?

The relation works out slowly and considers drawing the pair together, they also must financially check together whether it fit. It is thought under this how one handles money. Romanticism has to look for nothing into money things but it also may not be a taboo topic.

Decides to marry the pair it must be regulated whether they want to have a joint or a separate account and who manages these accounts. In addition, must speak them whether they want to rent an apartment or whether they plan to buy an apartment of their own or a house? Does the partner have debts? Or, if he makes debts, this goes at the expense of the common family good? What happens if the pair is having babies? Who stays with these at home and how the financial lie of the family changes? What happens to the money which is left at the end of the month? Does the money come onto the savings account or is going out with the money or is they invested well?

Despite a good preparation it doesn't always work at once either. Many think their partner spends the money on false things. Some regularly argue about this because these think the other one squanders the money. Who prefers to spend more money on vacation or clothes or eating and the other one not wanted in the eye of the others not than squanderers or flat miser are valid. Leading a housekeeping book only helps here. Who keeps the summary about the financial lie of his own knows how much money it spends. Some document everything anyway, lift all invoices. How does one have to proceed if the partner really cannot handle money? Here helps the so-called three account system can. It makes more work but also can convey the feeling of control over the money of one's own. The pair has a joint account on which the intakes of both are transferred. After the deduction of all fixed costs, household costs, common acquisitions the remnant is divided up and which personal accounts more twoly transferred, on this the other partner doesn't have any influence. Every pair must find the solution matching himself but in any case the partner should which cares about household and bringing up of children must have access to the housekeeping money in advance and not regularly get these by begging of the partner.

Nowadays most women and as a rule two partners from each other are financially independent or can make themselves financially independent. As a rule, if the pair, however, is having babies, it means a loss of earnings in the practice for the woman. Household work isn't looked very highly and is having them, frequent income characteristic it is the woman who stays at home of none for this. In our culture, the income is judged more highly than the merits in the household and bringing up of children. It is also a rearrangement next to many other things for the woman that she is instructed also on the money of her man or partner. Many cannot accept it so lightly. Housewives or women frequently see, this money earned by the man not as their money which earns less than their man and as a rule, this is the practice. Your content only is considered as "addition money" by the two partners.

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