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Far relations

The desire for a far relation starts out from the partners in a well operating partnership rarely. It is, e.g. the climacteric to another place, rather the circumstances for education or professional reasons which lead to a spatial separation. Also both partners, however, don't get to know at the same place, feel, however, affection live can a far relation already arise from it.

This can himself these end with a separation after a more or less long far relation time or else a partner on the other hand decides it to draw. The duration of the far relations is only few years mostly because the pairs make up their mind after this sometime over the future of the far relation. Either the pair contracts or it divides. Confidence is a quite important factor in a far relation. Thinks himself in narrow limits because to check the partner living in another place.

A typical far relation is the weekend relation. The separation itself confines this case until working days, frequent of Monday until Thursday or Friday in this. These are temporary transfers for professional reasons to another place mostly.

One needs much patience, power and finally also money, for maintaining a Fern or weekend relation because the journeys to the partner also must be financed. One is permanent on the search for the most favorable train or flight connections. Indium cases in which whole families are separated at times the family in another town works, also needs a second apartment because e.g. the family head earning.

A far relation intends but primarily disadvantages. One doesn't take part in the everyday life of the different one, one isn't "charged" of the everyday problems of the other. "The side facing the sun" only belongs to the partner. On the other hand the everyday problems also are part of the life of the partner. Best, most people have the need with the partner to talk to somebody also about these. These everyday problems which then escape this are an essential part of the life of the partner.

Physical contact, the exchange of tenderness and sex can be carried out in a far relation only at the meetings. A spatial separation from the partner also can make it possible, though, to find more time for the career of its own. In addition, it permits the organization of the leisure time without consideration for a partner. As a rule, the pair doesn't argue over small things, is assessed very valuably and very carefully planned the time spent jointly. During the whole week one can dream, idealize him of the partner. But the meeting can be very sobering up or disappointing sometimes if one had painted the partner in the "daydreams" of his own only with positive qualities.

If one spends every weekend with the partner, friends are often neglected. One has no more time and power other social contacts for the nursing care. The friends feeling at home neglected and notifying themselves of her sometime no more. If the relation comes to an end, one stands by the closure rather alone there. Because of this you must certainly pay attention in a far relation on the retention of the social relations of one's own.



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