
The tie with the partner is achieved in the ideal case with the love, this doesn't work any more, it is tried also with the anxiety. In a not operating partnership this partner is frequently extorted from the different one with the threat of a divorce or separation. What finally leads to a divorce is quite different. One feels unsatisfiedly frequent in the marriage over long time. The relation in some cases ends relatively rapidly. The partners are no longer ready to go into compromises, want to find no more common solutions, are upset and are with their marriage increasingly dissatisfied. Conflicts are at the agenda. Others put too high expectations to the partner to which he cannot do justice.

Other pairs become alienated slowly from each other, they have each other nothing more to tell. You go each other from the way, care for only the circle of friends of your own. Many marriages are only maintained for example because of the common house because of the common children or from comfort. If the marriage then is suddenly ended anyway, the cause is frequent in the marriage for a third person. The discovery of the extramarital relation of the partner leads rapidly to the separation. However, it also bigger changes can the previous ending the employee-employer relationship of one of the partners or the photo of a parent of the partner in need of care and attention or the undress the youngest child lead family life "regulated" to the divorce such as the birth of the first child. Sometimes the separation is they are uncertain again and again over their professional and financial future because they worry about their future single life, moved. Trade others rashly out of hate or rage and the consequences of a divorce don't really think through.

It finally comes to the separation or to the divorce, it is a large spiritual and physical strain for the persons affected. However, divorced are in a worse physical constitution than marrieds also than the singles or widowed. A divorce must be processed. First, it doesn't want to admit most persons affected. You hope that the separation still can be undone. You are included by different feelings, like hate, anxiety, depression. You doubt yourself and ignore themselves increasingly. You have physical troubles, how sleep problems, them stomach-ache eats too much or too little and frequently gets. You are more susceptible to diseases and often have suicide thoughts.

It has to be help richly at the processing for some time not met and not called either for the former partner should remind these of him in a big box in the cellar disappear, things. One should resist the temptation, the pain with alcohol, different tablets or chimneys, to soothe. Everybody experiences and processes the divorce differently. Most manage to orientate themselves only after approximately a year newly and need another one to two years until they have understood because of what their relation failed.

Some marry just again, too and found a family with a new partner. The divorce represents a release of permanent marriage conflicts for those, these or which felt very unwell in its marriage, the separation can lead to a physical and spiritual improvement. The divorce means an enormous change for the partners, however, in its psychic, social and financial life situation. Many also doubt whether this was the right step in their life the one which submitted the divorce. They are frequently troubled by feelings of guilt primarily when children have already resulted from the marriage. The divorce changes although the previous family structure, the children, however, need their separated living parents also after the divorce.

Women who cared about the family during the marriage years turn family breadwinner. Since they have little professional experience, they often have difficulties at the labor market. In addition, they must simultaneously take care of children and household. Younger women with infants often cannot accept any job because of the unsatisfactory child care. Younger divorced without children frequently fall back into their single life again and caught a long-term partner only after several unsatisfactory short relations search.

Many seek a divorce much too rapidly. A holding out in times of crisis brings about much more than the short-term solution divorce. Altogether, this destructive step should be carefully prudently. It is accepted socially, means a way down, however, mostly.



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