Desire in the pregnancy

The pregnancy is a special and beautiful time for the pairs. But this time can put the partnership in different regard on a solid test. Particularly the first pregnancy is connected with uncertainties, also in the cover of the sexual life. May one still have sexual intercourse? Does sex harm the baby? Can the baby feel the penis and the orgasm, got by it a little? Does the orgasm trigger labors early? It is very important to talk about these questions and anxieties to each other. If no complications appear in the pregnancy and the physician or the midwife doesn't warn against the sexual intercourse, this is possible even up to the delivery.

In certain risk cases sexual intercourse must be renounced, however.

Being included

- if there are already earlier unsolved miscarriages
- os uteri opened prematurely this one
- at bleedings
- at genital infections of the partners
- at multiple pregnancies
- at chronic illnesses (for example diabetes)

Infections can reach the amniotic sac and damage these by the prematurely open os uteri. The danger of infection is high also at a burst amniotic sac.

Many women find the penetrating of the penis unpleasant or they have inhibitions in their sexual behavior. You think more on the ribs are they no longer attractively enough with their thick abdomen and a couple of kilos for their partner. Most men find their wife very attractive, however, in the pregnancy with the big busts and curves. The men nevertheless are also uncertain, they frequently don't know how they should behave.

A pregnant woman is more sensible by the hormonal rearrangement, has atmosphere fluctuations, more frequently cries. A woman needs many love, affection and understanding particularly at this time. Sometimes the pregnant woman only has her thoughts with the unborn baby. Sometimes men have neglected the feeling in this situation or are excluded to be. The needs of the woman must, however, discussed with each other and made grow on these consideration be taken.

The "desire sensitiveness" of the woman also changes in the different stadia of the pregnancy. Many women fight against nausea or permanent tiredness in the first third of the pregnancy. This physical trouble can seem very inhibiting to the desire. However, sex isn't coitus at once. Cuddling, exchanging tenderness and massages being able to be enjoyed in the complete pregnancy. In the second third of the pregnancy the genitalia are by bled better, the mammas feel fuller. The women feel more female, it is for the nausea as a rule over the time. In the last third the weekday turns out increasingly more difficult with the abdomen getting thicker and thicker and shortly before delivery this disturbs always more also at the sex. The pregnancy offers, however, a good opportunity to try out new sexual practices. Every pregnancy is different and the pairs can if no complications appear, sleep with each other so long as both partners enjoy it.


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