Children and partnership

The birth of the first child often puts the partnership on a solid test. The child is after a long waiting finally there, the young family spends the first days together alone at home. This make any thoughts on what to themselves many first don't is a new life situation. You look forward to the baby and, first, don't understand why they are nevertheless dissatisfied. Perhaps you have a guilty conscience opposite the baby and the partner.

What do we make false now? The fresh baked mothers feel overtaxed, the fathers neglected. Frequently uses the baby cares for the whole power of the partners. The desire of the mother for tenderness is already satisfied by the body contact with the newborn child. For the sexuality neither the time nor power is left.

For love and partnership one must invest the time and energy also in the new situation. Afterward, if the fresh baked parents neglect their partnership, the damage has to be repaired hardly. The consequence is frequently the divorce. Becoming the art, parents and it must be nevertheless also learned to remain a pair. The earlier the pair takes care of the problems and itself with this consciously explains, the better the chances to save the relation are. You must talk with each other frankly and find solution ways about the problems.

Despite baby one also must find time for the togetherness. The children also notice it if the parents are sad or dissatisfied. It also helps to discuss with other parents and with these to seek a piece of advice, to discuss it as they have come through this time. One also can catch up the help at the child care with itself by grandparents or friends. It must be often also learned e.g. to leave the baby to foreign persons during a visit to the movies.

Even if the child gets taller, the discontent frequently grows. Diaper climacterics, wash laundry and household are the woman with the child at home, her life only turns around. It is afraid of a solid hernia in its career and around its social contacts. It is the only family breadwinner and it is dissatisfiedly nevertheless always it to take care of the child temptedly in the evening.

The baby actively cares for itself involved at, he has the feeling to be excluded from the togetherness mother and child even if the father. After all, he relieves his partner and can comprehend better, with what she deals the whole day and why she perhaps permanently is exhausted. The pair can try to imagine the new situation already in front of the birth. You can to make thoughts to yourself already at that time about what will change with the delivery of the new member of the family well and how they want to distribute and to cope with the new tasks.

The parents frequently have also different imaginations about the bringing up of children. They want often to transfer the specimens given from home to their education methods also or this opposite wants to want to do everything just quite differently. It is still the best about this to some and to be more precise in the ideal case until second year of life of the child, too.


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