
Alcohol is drunk for all possible occasions. Persons who decline alcohol it is nevertheless imposed on and they at the worst are laughed at and teased. Already children get the impression switchedly that alcohol is included to leisure activities. Regular consumption to alcohol can to the dependence do rapidly, lead to the alcoholism. An addiction disease which a spiritual and physical dependence of the alcohol causes is alcoholism. Also genetic factors play a role in the markedness of the disease. But an insecure and shy person makes the experience that he can knot under the influence of alcohol of much light contacts.

A stage of the disease is the drunkenness. This leads to the acute or chronic alcoholic poisoning. The consequences are physical, spiritual and social damages. The blood takes the alcohol relatively rapidly which has an effect on the nerve cells in the brain. The sensory perception and the reaction speed changes already as of 0,2 alcohol levels first. The power of concentration and the opinion gift decrease drastically. The inebriated loses its inhibitions at a further consumption, it has speech difficulties as of around 1 alcohol level. As of about 3 alcohol levels it can high condition fall or consciousness lose his or even die of it into one with larger quantities.

The relatives of the alcohol sick persons are permanently afraid of the unpredictable reactions of the alcoholic. Members often ignore the behavior of the addict and do so as if its behavior were normal. Or they also join in a drink. If the partner of the addict tries permanently to check him (his addictive substanceses hidden e.g. with the search for place at those of the addict) or to avoid causes for alcohol consumption, this permanently leads to conflicts. The members aren't also victims of physical and psychic as well as sexual violence of the partner rare. You are afraid he could tangle himself up in road accidents. You worry rightly about the solvency mostly. These are, disappointed by the addict partner is furiously and upsetly and with that engagedly engaged in denying the disease in front of acquaintances or colleagues. Sometimes the partner of the environment gets recognition and is considered capable because he remains partner with the addict. Mostly, he must master the everyday problems alone as of a certain stage. With children of dependent parents much responsibility is transferred to the young people. If in school the other children learn that a parent or both alcohol sick persons are, they can turn out into an outsider position rapidly in school. In addition, statistics overcomes loudly the danger that, later, children of addicted parents also become a slave to the alcohol

The social way down of an alcohol sick person frequently proceeds after the same score. The dependent loses its work, perhaps his partner, first the social then follows isolation and impoverishment.

The will to the healing is the own perception of the disease and the first step to the healing from the alcoholism. This is a longer process and the alcohol sick person needs a professional help mostly to escape from the disease and find back into a social cover field or new to organize.


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