If the partner has an addiction disease

A high one frequently indicates to live people with an addict for the partner and his members load and stress together. The unchecked and self-damaging intake of substances like alcohol, drugs or medicines characterizes addicts. Most addicts are dependent on alcohol, a smaller part is drugs and medicine dependent. The addict needs larger sets of addictive substanceses than a not addicted man to cause the necessary high. He cannot check his consumption any more. A strong, unquenchable desire to take alcohol, drugs or medicine is the symptoms of dependence. People with anxiety disturbances, depressions or personality disorders are particularly at risk. A psychic illness is an arbitrary indication for an addiction disease frequent. Effect reducing an anxiety has alcohol or drugs at anxiety patients. The sick person only concentrates, that he gets his dose. Other areas of life and interests are neglected. If these addictive substanceses are taken regularly, this threatens to become an addiction.

One can distinguish between a physical and psychic dependence. The body has adapted itself to the addictive substanceses at the physical dependence. If they are withheld from the body, it comes to withdrawal symptoms, such as hyperkinesia and nervousness. A psychic dependence means the permanent and frequently unchecked desire to take the addictive substanceses. More men than women are alcohol and addicted to drugs, it is, however, reverse at the medicine dependent ones.

Not only of the substances introduced to the body one can get addicted. Many people suffer for example from game, Internet or working addiction. Work addicts frequently revise themselves, through what their achievement and gradually their health also suffers from it. You react aggressively if somebody tries to turn them away of the work. Work addicts frequently don't take on responsibility in the private life. Your relatives complain that they never have time for them. The consequence is frequently a divorce. Work addiction is frequently a flight e.g. in the partnership in front of problems. As soon as they recognize that they are work addicted, they should reduce the working time consciously and seek sensible alternatives to the work.

The thoughts always concern the game at gambling addicts. You feel comfortable only with playing, on the other hand, the weekday seems bored to them. Play you often have no more money to her so long and try to conceal that, they have played again from her relatives. As in the case of other species of addicts they frequently have a lacking self-esteem. When playing they can, however, flee from the reality.

The Internet addiction is a disease which is relatively new and still not investigated very well. It frequently meets teenagers, unemployed and singles. Shy people can also rapidly establish contacts on the Internet. You spend much time in front of the computer. You neglect their partner and their real environment. You only care about the retention of the relation to her online friends. You forget the time in front of the computer. If its environment asks how long they have surfed in the Internet, they try to indicate the high hour number too if possible little.

It frequently comes partnerships to conflict situations in which this partner is addicted. The relation often ends in separation or divorce. Women part partner as men of their addicts partners rare of their addict, though. The partners of an addict don't suffer people only under the addiction, they are frequently made jointly responsible also for this. You frequently have a lower self-esteem, stand criticism and rejection very badly, are frequently lonesome, have anxieties, try conflicts to avoid and so often get also into a social isolation.

Can escape from their addiction hardly without therapy dependent. The first step is if the dependent one recognizes its addiction. In the next step he also wants to change something to this. They can exchange her experiences into self-help groups. There also are self-help groups for member of addicts.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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