Unquenchable vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum)

One describes the excessive and continuous vomiting as a hyperemesis gravidarum which no longer only can be dismissed as an unpleasant pregnancy complaint but is a disease to be taken seriously during the pregnancy. The disease happens with 0.35% of all pregnant woman.

By the insufficient nutrition and fluid photo it comes to deficiency symptoms which must be treated. If the pregnant woman breaks open also with an empty stomach, this leads giddiness to a strong thirst at a heavy course to a rapid weight reduction, fever, up to the Dilirium.

The disease can go deadly, if it isn't recognized and treated at full term. Nowadays diagnosis and treatment of every woman can be helped in the past. The prognosis for the unborn child is appropriately good. The pregnant woman is fed with infusions so long until she is able with slow diet construction and nausea suppressing medicines to take and to keep at herself fluid and nutrition again.

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