Suction cup and delivery forceps

The suction cup and the delivery forceps instruments helping to put birth for so-called vaginal delivery operations. You are employed then if the unborn gets stuck in the birth canal or the labors lean on the baby too much. Nowadays most vaginal delivery operations are carried out with the suction cup (vacuum extraction) and not with the delivery forceps (forceps extraction). By the application of the instruments the kard ejection phase is shortened and supports pressing.

Indications for use of the suction cup or delivery forceps are the followings:

  • The heart sounds of the child suggest a hypoxia. However, its head already is deeply in the pelvis.
  • The mother doesn't feel the labors due to a peridural anesthesia any more. It therefore can no longer actively con-press.
  • The labors aren't effective enough despite gift of oxytocics and the birth drags on through this too long.
  • The mother is to exhausts to press.
  • The woman may not con-press at certain illnesses. Heart defects, heavy gestosis, high blood pressure, add retinal detachment to it. An especially formed dish is attached at a sow bell delivery on the childlike head. This is attached to a sub-pressure pump which slowly produces a vacuum. The bell sucks itself tightly at the scalp of the child. The doctor pulls the child out of the birth canal in the rhythm of the labors.

    The forceps delivery is only practiced rarely today. One of the reasons lies in it that only still few physicians have an adequate experience with this method. Two spoons are laid out in the birth canal to the head of the child. You are connected with each other at the maneuver and the child pulled out by the physician of the womb carefully.

    The children born with a suction cup show a reddened place at the head or they develop one swelling in the approach place of the suction cup. It usually within few days forms back. For the safety an ultrasound of the head is also carried out with the newborn child in some clinical complexes. Almost always an episiotomy is made at a suction cup delivery and a local anesthetization of the perineum area by a pudendalblock or a perineum infiltrate is necessary.

    These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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