
Rubellas are a most infectious and far common viral infection. The prolonged gestation happens by droplet infection. There is lifelongly the immunity. Most people are already infected with this disease as a child (childhood disease). Around 15 per cent of the women nevertheless don't have any body's defenses in the childbearing age. The disease usually goes harmlessly, often even unnoticedly with the healthy man. Small stained eruption, light fever and lymph node tumescences are signs of a red chalk infection in the neck and head area.

A rubellas infection has fatal effects within the first three months of the pregnancy. The risk of a fetus lesion is up to 60% at the first infection of the mother in this time period. Are heart defect, heavy lesions to eyes, ears or brain characteristically. In difficult cases it can come to am missing or stillbirths.

If a woman liked to get pregnant, should let them carry absolutely most barely one which gives information out whether she has body's defenses against rubellas. The so-called "titer value" is determined. A vaccination must be carried out against rubellas (live vaccine) at missing titer or a titer value which is under 1:8. As of this time the woman may get pregnant in no case for at least 28 days. Be recommended can to vaccinate three months before the pregnancy beginning.

Unfortunately, it is noticed with many women only at the first pregnancy check-up that they don't have any sufficient protection. If the pregnant woman had contact with fallen ill, then her treating physician will examine the antibody concentration in the blood constantly to recognize an infection. Special antibody preparations given prophylactically are effective after the infection only two to eight days. If symptoms already appear, there is no more possibility of stepping in.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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