Natural preparation on calming

There aren't only very useful preparatory measures which make a birth easier but it is also important to adapt itself to the silent time. The mammas should get slow "toughened up". The pregnant woman can follow very simple tips to prevent a milk jam or sore nipples later.

There is some advice to the toughening up here:
  • Regularly wash the mammas with cold water and a rough washcloth and dry them with a rough towel. The verrucas get strong and robust through this.
  • Roll the verrucas with thumbs and index finger strongly. So-called flat and retracted nipples begin to straighten up.
  • Press the verrucas together on the areola border a few times strongly. This procedure feigns the jaw pressure of the child.
  • Massage strongly and uniform pressure's of the outside mamma with a good massage oil in the direction of the nipples. The striae gravidarum at the mamma are prevented by this massage. The milk ducts are therefore exposed and activated. A possible milk jam at the beginning of the pregnancy is avoided

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