Premature delivery

The birth of a living child is described as a premature delivery before completion of the 37th pregnancy week. The birth weight is greater than 500 gram and gram is under 2500. The frequency of a premature delivery would enter 5 to 7% the duration of the pregnancy and not absolutely the birth weight is decisive for the chances of survival. The earlier the children are born, the unriper its organ functions are.

There are many risk factors the himself, partly overlap for a premature delivery.

The risk of suffering from a premature delivery is increased at:
  • very young pregnant woman (younger than 18 years) and with older women (older than 38 years),
  • Mothers which insufficiently eat,
  • with strongly overweight women,
  • strong smokers,
  • Women who regularly take alcohol also in the pregnancy,
  • Pregnant women who carry out a strong physical work,
  • Women with a short birth consequence,
  • Blood pressure, heart, lungs, liver, and kidney illnesses as well as metabolic disturbances (diabetes and thyroid hyperfunction) are venturesome too more highly or too more lowly. An anemia, infectious diseases (for example German measles, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis) and primarily the pregnancy specific illness gestosis also can trigger a premature delivery.

The main risks for a premature delivery, like multiple pregnancies, premature labor activity and cervical incompetence, can be recognized and treated at full term if the nascent mother is aware of the check-ups (link).

It is a therapeutic aim at a threatening premature delivery to let the child ripen in the uterus if possible long. If the pregnancy hasn't progressed until the 34th week yet, the fetus lacks the necessary lung maturity. It could have heavy breath disturbances after a premature birth. In this case it is tried to delay the birth for at least two days. The mother becomes the adrenal gland hormone cortisone given at this time to accelerate the lung maturity of the child.

At light labor activity the pregnant woman's physical saving and confinement to bed is ordered. Perhaps the mineral magnesium is ordered to her in high concentrations. It has an easing effect on the uterus muscle.

If stronger womb contractions in repeated consequence appear, the pregnant woman must be introduced to a hospital. She is treated with labor inhibiting medicines by intravenous drip infusion (tocolysis). If the contractions of the womb have fallen off at this form of treatment, then the labor inhibiting means can be given also into tablet shape. If a premature delivery lies ahead, the choice of a birth clinic specialized in little dawns can improve the chances of survival of the child fundamentally. The first care of the child by a specialized pediatrician and the medical treatment is ensured here on an early born intensive care unit.

The birth of one must be carried out as gently as possible early given birth. Is primarily important to keep the pressure on the soft head of the child as low as possible. A possible cerebral hemorrhage shall be avoided by it. The life functions of the child also should as far as not impaired when possible be. In the one cell case the physician decides whether a cesarean section is carried out or a vaginal delivery is possible.

After an intensive medical support of the early born already in the labor room you further care and treat in an incubator (incubator). The parents can and shall nevertheless go to it minimumly.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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