Pregnancy troubles

The typical pregnancy troubles aren't serious illnesses. You can, however, be very unpleasant and force to the nascent mother to switch its way of life over and to take themselves for themselves more time.

Belonging to the typical pregnancy troubles:
  • Mamma pains
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Stria gravidarum
  • Piles
  • Varicose veins
  • Backache
  • Calf cramps
  • Heartburn
Mamma pains

The mammas increase under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to volume. This manifests itself by mamma ranges and sensitiveness of the nipples. Sometimes the busts are correctly sore and are aching at many motions and touches. If the troubles get too unpleasant, a wearing an elastic, well-fitting bra pre-over here outgoingly or permanently often helps. Applications bring some women relief with certain volatile oils. Mamma ranges and mamma pains are typical troubles within the first pregnancy months.

Nausea and vomiting

Under nausea or occasional vomiting suffer the half of all pregnant woman in the first trimenon well. The nausea is a "morning nausea" with most women at the distinctive > in the morning and passes in the course of the day. With some women it stops the whole day. However, the nausea can appear also at all possible times of day. The heaviest shape, the unquenchable emesis gravidarum (hyperemesis gravidum) must be treated. The trigger for the troubles is the hormone rearrangement, particularly the influence of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). With the end of the fourth month these pregnancy troubles usually by themselves pass.

Here some tips against the troubles:
  • Eat many small, easily digestible meals distributed over the day.
  • Have breakfast in bed. Lay cookies or rusk out ready to this with (herbs-) tea in the evening before.
  • Lavender packs also help some women on the stomach.
Women who do sports have less difficulties with the pregnancy nausea. It is suspected that the motions accelerate the metabolism processes in the body and make the hormone rearrangement easier.


Approximately 50% of the pregnant woman have constipation in the pregnancy already early. The reason for it is the hormone progesterone. It reduces the tension condition of the smooth musculature. The peristalses are reduced, the passage of the intestine content slows down and in the intestine becomes more fluid escaped. The stool thickens. It comes to the constipation. The constipation should under no circumstances be reacted to with laxatives. You even can harm the unborn.

Important is to drink it in any case sufficiently -> at least two liters to 2.5 liters of water or herb tea. Take a roughage rich diet increased now yourself, such as wholemeal bread, muesli, raw vegetables, yoghurt, quark and sour milk.

Stria gravidarum

With most pregnant women so-called striae gravidarum (Striae gravidarum) appear at the abdomen, at the hips and thighs as well as on the mamma. Cause is the hormone cortisone formed in the adrenal cortex now increased. It reduces the elasticity of the skin. At the stretching of the subcutaneous tissue rips arise by the blood vessels throughshimmer. Also predisposition plays a role for the extent and the training of this skin change. The striae gravidarum cannot be prevented completely usually therefore. One can prevent with a specific picking massage of the body regions in question. Special stria gravidarum oils make this massage very pleasant. One can lead a too intense massage to a miscarriage within the first three pregnancy months, though. Giving a shower coldly and ensuring dry brush massages, exercises and swim one improves circulation of the skin. Ihre Elastizität bleibt dadurch erhalten. The striae gravidarum fade gradually after the pregnancy and form back if also often not complete.


Piles are projecting vessel dilatations in the anus area. You manifest yourself by pruritus, pain, burning and blood pale red on-positionings in the excrement.

A hereditarily conditional connective tissue weakness is regarded as a main cause. The hormonal far position of the vessels, the general tissue breaking up and the pressure of the uterus getting heavier and heavier hinder the reflow of the blood in the pregnancy from the pelvis veins. Already existing piles still are made worse by a constipation. With many pregnant women the piles appear only after the birth. In this case you are caused to press by the strong one during the birth.

With ample fluid supply and roughage rich diet can be counteracted to the emergence and worsening of the piles. Who suffers from piles should pay attention to a regular and soft bowel movement. An alleviation of the troubles is possible by medicines (ointments and suppository) as well as hip-baths used locally.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins (varixes) are surely one of the most frequent pregnancy troubles. Your causes are pregnancy conditional far position of the vessels and the general tissue breaking up in the pregnancy as in the case of the piles, constitutional predisposition.

Varicose veins appear in the pregnancy already very early. Swollen veins thick under the skin finds itself at the legs mostly, however, the anus or the /(vulva) also shows them. Are approximately the half of all pregnant woman concernedly. Available varicose veins can be made worse by a pregnancy or else the varicose veins appear for the first time. Long standing and lacking motion promote the emergence of varicose veins in addition.

To the prevention and to not make worse existing varicose veins, one can take up different measures:
  • Motion, like walking, ride a bike and swim, activates the blood circulation much. You can install also regular exercises exercises for the legs into the day. The exercises are shown in birth preparation courses.
  • Put the legs high during the day in the breaks. Sleep with a high-ranking foot of the bed at night. The venous reflux also is supported by dry brush massages of the toes up in the direction of the heart.
  • The physician orders elastic stockings, perhaps also medicines, at distinctive varicose veins. The stockings are put on before getting up.
  • Also pay attention to her weight. Every superfluous kilogram also lays on the legs and therefore on the varicose veins.
  • Refrigerant creams or gels with vegetable contents substances bring alleviation at varicose veins. Curd cheese compresses are also popular.
  • You immediately go to a specialist for veins (Phlebologen) at strong troubles.

Reasons for backache in the pregnancy are the followings:
  • So that a child can be born by the narrow pelvic girdle, hormones provide a breaking up of the joint connections.
  • The increasing weight also loads the spinal column.
  • Because of the growing abdomen many pregnant women take an unnatural posture.
  • Intense pains appear if the child pushes on the sciatic nerve.
The pains usually appear in the lower area of the back and frequently start in the second half of the pregnancy.

The following measures can seize you for the reduction of the back troubles:
  • A specific exercises compensates for the unilateral load and invigorates the musculature. Swims, primarily backstroke is very helpful.
  • Confinement to bed combined with heat applications works primarily at acutely intense pains.
  • It is now very important to raise or to carry heavy things in no case. This doesn't have an effect on the spinal column only negatively but the pressure also increases by tightening the abdomen musculature in the abdominal cavity and this threatens apart sides of the midline given relief.
  • Connective tissue can for the moving of the bones do it at very weak come in rare cases at the sacrum joint. This leads to strong pains at every motion. A loosening of the pubic bone juncture also leads to the instability in the pelvis area. In these cases the treating physician will prescribe an orthopedic supporting ligament.
Calf cramps

Calf cramps usually at night appear when extending the legs. You can be so intense that the pregnant woman must get up and walk around. These unpleasant pregnancy troubles frequently appear only in the second pregnancy half. The causes of the calf cramps are circulatory disorders or they are caused by a lack of magnesium, a mineral or vitamin preparation then creates calcium and vitamin B remedy.


Heartburn speaks by an unpleasant burning pain under the breastbone. It appears for two reasons piled up in the pregnancy. Due to hormone influence the sphincter tires at the stomach orifice. The acid gastric juice flows back into the gullet and irritates the mucosa. Heartburn already therefore appears in the early pregnancy, too. The growing womb pushes the stomach in the second pregnancy half up so that a reflux of stomach content gets possible into the gullet. Most pregnant women therefore get heartburn in the second pregnancy half.

An alleviation of these harmless but unpleasant troubles can be reached as follows:
  • Take many little meals yourself. The stomach then isn't filled so strongly.
  • Don't lie down after the eating. Through this the heartburn is only strengthened. Move prefer after the meals.
  • If you suffer from heartburn strongly, you sleep with an upper part of the body increased lightly at night, too.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, strong spices and fat sauces.
  • Drug has to be usually treated superfluously with acid binding ending. These also bind iron, magnesium and other minerals. In addition, heartburn can be only rarely explained by an overproduction of gastric juice in the pregnancy

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