Pregnancy bleeding

Bleedings in the pregnancy always must seriously taken seriously. You are reason to consult the attending doctor. But all bleedings don't endanger the pregnancy.

One expects bleedings at approximately 20% of all pregnancies in the early pregnancy. Sometimes a lightly bloody discharge lets itself be seen after the last menstruation in the 4th week. This is the so-called nidation or implantation bleeding. Maternal blood vessels open up at the place of the embryos into the womb mucosa settle at it. This usually happens unnoticedly. Sometimes the bleeding is stronger, however, and is perceived as a bloody discharge. These bleedings are harmless.

Also light bleedings don't appear rarely in the early pregnancy at which the menstruation would usually have taken place at the time of. The pregnancy is often noticed only with a delay through this. However, these bleedings are shorter and less intensive than the normal menstruation bleedings. The further pregnancy goes completely normally mostly.

If the bleedings appear into combination with intense pains, the next hospital or the treating physician should be immediately gone to. It could be a tubal pregnancy which must be treated operatively.

In principle, there is the suspicion of a threatening miscarriage at light till medium-strong bleedings or brownish discharge within the first three months of the pregnancy.

You immediately inform its physician at bleedings as of approximately the 28th pregnancy week. You could be a symptom of a placenta detachment or a threatening miscarriage. If intense bleedings suddenly appear in the late pregnancy, lie down immediately and let yourself lying be taken to the hospital with the ambulance.

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