Miscarriage (abortion)

Concept definition and frequency

One understands the dying an embryo or the early birth of a child by a miscarriage before reaching the survivability. It comes into 10 to 15% of all pregnancies to a spontaneous abortion, this means for a natural departure of the fetus. These numbers contain only miscarriages, the by ultrasound scans or hormonal pregnancy test was proved. The number of the pregnancies ending prematurely is much more highly (70%), they only aren't perceived by the women since they are deducted with the menses entering on schedule. Most abortions happen within the first twelve weeks of a pregnancy (early abortion).

Repeated miscarriages (habitual abortions)

By definition one talks about a habitual abortion as an illness in need of treatment if Mrs three had miscarriages in an uninterrupted succession. The probability of a renewed abortion already rises, however, considerably after one or two miscarriages suffered from. The risk of still suffering from a further one after a miscarriage is 12-24 % after two abortions 19-35 % and after three miscarriages 25-46 %. The numbers represent only the probability, to have further abortions . the causes aren't taken into account. The genetic risk can be just as big with a woman with miscarriages already gone as in the case of a woman without previous miscarriages.

Species of miscarriages and medical treatment

One distinguishes at the miscarriages between missed abortion ion and the miscarriages at the it comes to an abortion. At a missed abortion the fetus dies in the womb and isn't ejected by the womb. Spottings usually go in front of him. The pregnant woman doesn't feel any gestational signs more (ranges in the mammas, morning nausea, weight gain, fetal movements) after a while. The treating physician diagnosed, that the womb doesn't gain in volume, no more normal fetus cavity can be seen in the ultrasound and the fetal heart sounds are missing. At these results one becomes carried out abrasion up to the 12 pregnancy week. If the pregnancy has further progressed, the miscarriage is started with labor triggering means. The dead child was born on a natural way.

Within the first three months the symptoms of a threatening miscarriage are low bleedings or brownish discharge first. Abdominal pains started feeling of pressure, ache into the last and abdomen spasms only later. Within the following pregnancy months a threatening miscarriage starts with drawing, labor like abdominal pains or the fetus water comes off. Light till medium-strong bleedings then start.

Under certain prerequisites these pregnancies can be got. By ultrasound you determine whether the fetus disposition is trained normally and lives the unborn. The attending doctor can find out by means of a hormone examination whether the pregnancy is intact and the placenta sufficiently works. She in this case the pregnant woman is introduced to a hospital and an absolute confinement to bed is ordered. The therapy usually contains the gift of means calming and impeding labor, too. A miscarriage cannot be stopped any more, if with a pregnant woman intense labor like pains appear, it has strong bleedings, the os uteri opens and the amniotic sac bursts.

Causes of miscarriages

As causes of miscarriages the most frequent and at this reasons investigated best are listed.

1. Genetic causes

You assume that more than 50% of the miscarriages, primarily the ones who have entered already in front of the expected menses, genetic causes have.

Numerical changes in the chromosome set

Instead of 46 chromosomes 47 or 45. have these embryos, for example, these numerical deviations can appear spontaneously that without a recognizable external reason is said. The probability in the next pregnancy for the same reason to suffer from a premature delivery again doesn't rise. The age of the parents doesn't play a role for this. The best known example of a numerical change in the chromosome set represents the trisomy 21. It is the Down's syndrome, also called mongolism. The chromosome 21 is available three times. The frequency of this genetic illness rises primarily with the age of the mother but also the father.


A so-called translocation of the parents is the cause at about 10% of all abortions. Genetic material is moved within a pair of chromosomes. A chromosome of a pair of chromosomes has both genes concerned, the gene is missing at the other chromosome. This doesn't have any consequences for the parent concerned since the complete gene material is available if also only on a chromosome. This problematically is if at the formation of the ovums and the sperms, in the reduction division (meiosis) the homologous chromosomes are separated and the chromosome set is halved. The embryo arising newly can lack genes or it has too many. This inevitably doesn't have to lead to a miscarriage since all genes aren't essential. Thoroughly viable and unobtrusive children can come onto the world. A piece of genetic advice and perhaps a genetic examination of the pair should take place at two or more abortions. At an increased genetic risk an amniocentesis should be thought about at renewed pregnancy. Since this also can lead to an abortion, the risks have to be weighed up exactly. Are decisive at a translocation, which genes and chromosomes are involved. Further pregnancies must be warned against at some of these genetic illnesses.

2. Infections

Infections also can be the reason for miscarriages. They, however, lead to habitual abortions rarely. The late abortions represent an exception. The settlement of the sheath and the cervix with certain bacterium species leads to the opening of the os uteri with and without labors. Some women tend to such infections. In principle any causative agent which reaches the sheath can trigger abortions. This usually prevents the natural settlement of the sheath with lactic acid bacteria. If the sheath flora damaged or the natural infection defense is weakened, miscarriages can result from these.

At corresponding suspicion the attending doctor will have smears to take and to examine for the corresponding shoot in the laboratory. Perhaps the immediate look into the microscope also gives information about the corresponding causative agent group. A measuring of the acid salary of the sheath with certain indicator rods can be taken. A pH value is optimal less than 4,4th indium this acid mileau the lactic acid bacteria find optimal conditions of life and prevent the spreading of harmful shoots.

The infection can be treated also in the pregnancy by certain antibiotics. It is the disadvantage of antibiotics that they destroy the natural sheath flora mostly, too. Lactic acid bacteria should therefore be co-prescribed at once in the form of sheath suppositories. The disinfection of the vagina (for example with sheath suppositories) and following re-settlement by laktobacillen also suffices at some causative agents. With women with a corresponding anamnesis the gift also can prophylactically be carried out by laktobacillen every three days into suppository shape. Perhaps if all measures don't bear fruit for duration, a cerclage must be carried out.

3. Malformations of the uterus

Malformations of the womb can trigger miscarriages. The formation of the womb already takes place in the embryonic phase of a girl. It is a complex process. Several tissues of different insertion are involved in it. The development, however, doesn't always take place completely. Different malformations of the womb result from it. The womb endoscopy, the laparoscopy and the ultrasound are examinations with which malformations of this organ can be stated. An individual therapy must with the treating physician/into be discussed.

4. Myomas

Myomas are a benign growth of the uterus musculature and the connective tissue. You can appear in all places of the womb. The size and the lie of the myomas are decisive, whether they represent problems. A reference to myomas can be a very strong menstruation bleeding. These benign proud fleshes extend the surface of the mucosa and cause the strong bleedings.

Both myomas which lie under the womb mucosa and myomas which lie in the womb wall can lead to an increased abortion rate. Causes lie in the increased contraction readiness and in an insufficient supply of the embryo if it nests directly on a myoma. A combination of the three examination methods ultrasound, womb endoscopy and laparoscopy is often necessary to determine the lie and origin of a myoma around the exact extent. The operative resection of the myomas should be carried out if the suspicion insists that they cause the abortions. The gift of medicines is possible supporting.

5. Disturbance of the signpost glandular function

An increased risk of a miscarriage is suspected with women who have problems with the thyroid. A thyroid hypofunction (hypothyroidism) is brought in connection with the non-appearance of the off-spring. An untreated hyperactivity (hyperthyrosis) is held responsible for am missing and premature deliveries.

In any case a check of the signpost glandular function by an internist has to be recommended at the search for the abortion cause/into.

Psychological aspects at miscarriages/renewed pregnancy

A miscarriage meets the pairs completely surprisingly and without preparation. Mourning must be done also at am missing and premature deliveries. Some women find the abortions culpable so as if they hadn't worked properly.

You don't shun a psychosomatic con-care to take itself up in the case of an am missing or premature delivery.

A renewed pregnant woman development should be carried out only when the pair has processed the abortion spiritually. A renewed pregnancy is already possible in the first cycle from a physical view after the miscarriage. The ovulation can already take place after the abortion within the next two to four weeks again.

Today, it is partly still recommended to wait with a renewed pregnancy first some months. Other opinions assume that a body the pregnant woman development can, which also can deliver pregnancy.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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