
The concept "labors" is firm with pregnancy and connects birth. There are many species of labors which have quite different tasks and are perceived by the woman differently. Labors are pulling together more or less painfully (contract) the womb musculature by definition. You are distinguished after pregnancy or birth phase. They are characterized after their duration, frequency, power and their intervals.

Pregnancy labors
Already in the first term the abdomen can get solid briefly. The womb "trains" for the birth. These labors can be painless or painful. However, you don't lead to an opening of the os uteri. Consult to be on the safe side its physician or their midwife if the labors appear, considerably noticeably or even are painful and/or appear regularly before the 36th pregnancy week.

Premature labors
Premature labors are irregular and not rhythmical opening labors before reaching the birth appointment or before reaching the biological maturity of the child. The attending doctor will try to stop these labors by labor inhibiting medicines and confinement to bed.

Ptosis and premonitory pains
Ptosis and premonitory pains are uterus contractions within the last four to six weeks in front of the birth. You are without a characteristic pain or rhythm. The lower part of the womb is stretched by them, the cervix gets softer. However, the birth ways don't enlarge themselves. The head of the baby slips more deeply into the pelvis and the child can "adapt." The nascent mother can breathe more freely again now and the pressure on the stomach isn't so strong any more.

Opening labors
The birth starts with these rhythmical labors. You lead to the opening of the os uteri. A labor lasts for 25 to 60 seconds. Two to three labors come every ten minutes to the beginning of the opening phase, toward the end of this birth phase every 30 minutes. At first the labor pain is perceived by many women as an ache in the hypogastrium or back like the menstruation pain. The pain always gets more intensive, it feels as if the abdomen were tied up again and again in regular distances.

Ejection and pressing labors
Ejection and pressing labors are called the labors in the kard ejection phase. With the abdominal pressure the active cooperations should first be carried out if the os uteri is opened completely. The ejection labors cause one the childlike head by the os uteri, the sheath and the perineum out press. The woman feels an irresistible impulse con-press (pressing labors) primarily toward the end of the kard ejection phase. The labors are intensive, frequent and painful. The frequency is at the beginning of the kard ejection phase every ten minutes, late every three minutes with shortening of the labor pauses.

Afterbirth labors
Afterbirth labors result in the placenta taking itself off and being ejected. The womb already forms educate oneself. These labors noticeably, however aren't painful absolutely. It is rhythmical labors, these every two to three minute show commitment to the afterbirth phase.

The afterpainses contribute in the childbed that the womb forms back. Silences leads on a hormonal way to amplified afterpainses and with that to the rapid involution of the uterus. You aren't found painful at first giving birth, at increase giving birth already.

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