Folic acid

Preparation on the pregnancy

Already before the beginning of a pregnancy measures which help to avoid later serious development and health disturbances of the new mortal can be taken up.

Nutrition - Folic acid
It is advisable to begin with a healthy nutrition already in front of the conception. Vitamins and minerals important to the pregnancy are found in "unspoilt" foods, like vegetables, fruit, milk and whole grain products. A central role plays to the folic acid already before the time of the conceptionA vitamin of the B group is you and for the cell growth, the development of the organs and the central nervous system . imperative. The vitamin is at the formation of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) involved, the molecule for the structure and function of every body cell. The increased need for folic acid as of the fertilization time arises from the important role of the B vitamin at the cell formation and cell division. The sufficient supply must therefore already be ensured at the beginning of the pregnancy since approximately one hundred billion cells form here from a stimulated ovum (zygote).

Folic acid deficiency can cause heaviest damages, so-called neural tube defects, with the child. The neural pipe is a structure in the embryonic development which arises already in the second and third pregnancy week. Neural tube defects are for example open back (spina bifida), water on brain (hydrocephalus), being sometimes or completely missing the brain (anencephaly) LKGS malformation, lip jaw palate velum malformation, short. Miscarriages are also taken to connection with a folic acid deficiency. Indium Germany is gone out of two neural tube defects on 1,000 live births. The exact causes aren't . known one of the risk factors is the low photo of folic acid in front of the conception and during the first pregnancy weeks (perikonceptionale phase). Women who have already given birth to a child with such a defect have.

The German society for nutrition (DBE) recommends women with child wish and pregnant women to take 0.4 milligrams of folic acid in addition to the normal nutrition as a precaution. After arrangement with a physician a multi-vitamin preparation should therefore be taken orally with the recommended lot of folic acid minimumly. The value of 800 micrograms often recommended in the literature consists of 400 micrograms from the natural eating and 400 micrograms from supplement preparations. A damage by over-dosage of the folic acid wasn't watched with the man.

The B vitamin is contained by nature for example in: Wheat shoots, chickpeas, soybeans, kale, peanuts, Brussels sprouts, lamb's lettuce, spinach, grapes, oranges and meat. The folic acid is sensitive to light, oxygen and heat, though. It is destroyed for the most part when boiling. In addition, it can be washed out lightly because of its good water solubility.

[Merke: 1Gram (g) =1000 milligram (mg); 1 milligram (mg) = 1000 microgram (µg)]

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