Cervix weakness

The womb increases with a progressive pregnancy to size and weight. At a cervix weakness (cervical incompetence) the upper becomes tissue the cervix on stretched came off and goes up into the uterus cavity. The remaining part of the cervix then infers no longer so tightly that it can retain the fetus.

This complication appears in large numbers at multiple pregnancies. At a cervix weakness it is the insidious that the os uteri opens slowly, without labor activity. Usually between the 4. and 6. pregnancy months the amniotic sac jumps and it comes to the miscarriage. The treating physician therefore checks at every pregnancy check-up by a pelvic examination whether the os uteri is still locked. This is documented also in the mother passport. The check-ups are carried out in shorter intervals at miscarriages gone ahead or beginning cervical incompetence.

To prevent that the child is born too early, a so-called cerclage can be carried out. The cervix is sewn up with a synthetic suture from the sheath. For this a short stay in hospital is necessary. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. The suture is removed ambulatorily about two weeks before the calculated delivery appointment. To lock the cervix tightly there still is a further the medical treatment possibility. Rubber ring is a soft, blamed for about the giving birth os uteri from silicone (cerclage pessary). Inserting the pessary can be ambulatorily carried out.

With the help of the cerclage the child can most be delivered without problems. The pregnant woman, however, shouldn't expose herself to physical strain.

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