Serological examinations

It is it the results of the examinations (serum) from the blood.

The blood group membership is found out. It gives the four blood groups to A, B, and reconciles subgroups and blood factors, O. The most important one is the rhesus factor. It can be positive for Rh positive (D+) or Rh negative (D-). The rhesus factor causes problems at a rhesus negative mother which a Rh positive child gets and perhaps already has formed due to different events, antibodies against the blood cells of the child.

Also see the informations rhesus incompatibility to this under the key point. The antibody screening procedure refers to the rhesus factor. With a pregnant woman with a negative rhesus factor the blood is examined for antibodies against the positive rhesus factor. If the test turns out negative, the test is made in the 24-27th week once again and gives an anti D immunoglobulin syringe as a precaution. The maternal antibody formation caused by childlike blood cells one washed into the maternal blood circulation then ceases.

It is checked with the rubellas hemagglutination inhibition test whether there is a sufficient protection against rubellas. This illness can have devastating consequences for the unborn one, gone in the pregnancy. Infection in the pregnancy can a rubellas be even a reason for an abortion with a medical indication.

The titer value found out should be 1:16 or greater. A sufficient protection from an infection is then ensured. The test is repeated at a later time in the pregnancy if the titer value was too low.

If a LSR is carried out, this means that the Lue search reaction was arranged for. The syphilis (Lue's venera) is a sexually transmitted disease which can cause unrecognizedly heavy damages with the child. One often finds the name Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test, too. The Lue search reaction serves the detection of the pathogene of the syphilis. It is a bacterial illness which can want to transfer the child in the pregnancy from the mother. The //angeboren// syphilis (Lue's connata) is rare in Germany relatively with a frequency of 0.4%. The placenta can happen to the causative agents' Treponema pallidum only in the 5th month. The outbreak of the infection can be avoided with the child at medical treatment at full term with penicillin G.

Test from the cervix gives information about it the chlamydia trachomatis antigen whether with the pregnant woman there is a clamydien infection. This bacterial infection is frequently responsible for am missing and premature deliveries. It can lead to eyes and lung inflammations with the newborn child. For the test a smear is taken and examined for the shoot by the cervix.

With the Hb antigen can be decided whether a hepatitis passes B infection. This is an infectious hepatitis. The test is carried out the last term. At positive results the child is vaccinated just after the birth.

Further blood tests can be carried out on request of the pregnant woman or arranged for by the physician at special risk. The HIV test can be arranged for on request. Result aims the further treatment of the pregnant woman at it that the child isn't infected if possible at positive. Nearer information about pregnancy and HIV finds them under AIDS.

It also can make sense to examine the pregnant woman for antibodies against the pathogene of the toxoplasmosis. An acute toxoplasmosis during the pregnancy can hurt the child heavily. If the nascent mother isn't immune, it should avoid the contact to cats and its excretions.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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