
Lately one could causes of an impotence be established, the psyche may not be simply put into the background nevertheless that predominate the organic.

Psychological advice and psychotherapy

If no organic causes were found, then psychic causes seem reasonable. Very rapidly psychic problems arrive but also at organic causes. In the two cases, at first we recommend a piece of sexual advice. The possibility of identifying and working on the cause of the problems consists in the advice. The cause can or in the partnership lie in negative experiences with sexuality in the childhood in the sexual education in the distinctive achievement intellect and unrealistic assumptions about sexuality, for example. In many cases, a piece of advice can already help alone fundamentally. The adviser gets you a psychotherapy corresponding to your individual situation suggested at deep succumbing problems.

The causes of the sexual problems, the erection problems, aren't afraid, to remove the listlessness etc. by a help of their own, the failure or partners cannot find a solution of their own together, the execution of a pair or individual psychotherapy should seriously and without inhibitions be drawn into respect.

There are very effective psychotherapies which frequently have a behavior therapeutic basis and were tested as very effective. Before this professional help no man needs himself, needs to be no pair ashamed. Nobody is looked at funny because of the sexual problem. Sexual problems are psychic problems like anxieties, social difficulties, atmosphere fluctuations etc. to the psychotherapy or sexual therapy be able to in the psychotherapy the difficulties following steps belong depending on species of the causes of the sexual:
  • At first the sexual disturbance as a present reality of "permissible" therapeutically the man or the pair is because there are good reasons why current these difficulty is available. This relieves since the man or the pair anyway cannot simply "whisk" the difficulties away.
  • The sexual wishes and needs are then cleared and the objectives and wishes discussed to the therapeutic medical treatment jointly.
  • Information gaps, knowledge deficits and problematic attitudes about sexuality are processed, sexual legends and norms, disturb and hinder, be " wisk away ", the one satisfactory sexuality.
  • The study and the experience of anxiety free dealing with the sexuality of one's own belong also to a therapeutic phase.
Anxieties, negative feelings and fears are works in the individual psychotherapy depending on species of the disturbance Furthermore a too strong attention steering is discussed on coitus or orgasm. The development of positive experiences with respect to the body of one's own, the desire of one's own and the enjoying knowledge supported and special behaviors for the construction and the strengthening of a sexuality based on partnership promoted.

Both partners have furthermore to change the possibility of handling anxieties with respect to the common sexuality, the communication, and experience to make to the the common sexuality of its own in small steps increasingly new and pleasant in a pair therapeutic procedure. Physical reconnaissances, sensual experiences, an interplay between excitement and relaxation can help to experience physical touches and sexual experiences without anxiety and aversive feelings. Positive feelings and failure anxieties can given up of one's own body feelings being experienced pleasantly again authorizedly and physically. An initial therapeutic ban on behaviors anxiety producing for the execution of the coitus and strong will frequently bring at first clear decompression and relief for the two partners.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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