Psychosomatic medicine

The psyche plays a considerable role in the erectile dysfunction (impotence). Failure anxieties and development conditional disturbances are the main factors. The diagnosis is often very difficultly, time expensive and needed big empathy of the therapist.

Still no too long time ago purely psychic factors were accepted as an illness reason. Since the market introduction of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra organic causes are only talked about. There might be no doubt at a relevant philosophy that psychic and organic causes overlap narrowly here. In principle, a psychosomatic approach should be chosen in case of every diagnostic or therapeutic question. From organic causes which suffers, from an erectile dysfunction (impotence) which man doesn't get any psychic problems for duration? The man often suffers from a heavy restriction of the self value feeling.

One can divide up the emergence of Ed Störungen arisen psychogenically into 3 factors (suggestion of Levines)

1st factors (failure anxieties, deviation, partner conflicts) seeming immediate,

The 3rd have 2nd factors from the younger past life events factors which are being behind longer and biographic (development conditional causes from the childhood) gone in front of the disturbance ()

Are the weighting of the different factors very differently. All 3 factors also can be available in a different intensity.

Many men are afraid of women or of the female sexuality. It comes to an uncertainty of the men since they make themselves for the sexual satisfaction of the woman alone responsible. The fear of not sufficing sexual efficiency in connection with the increased sexual self-confidence of the woman sets the man considerably under "pressure"

If in addition organic damages join now. The difficulties of the impotence (erectile dysfunction) grow considerably (diabetes mellitus arteriosclerosis). A therapeutic help is then possible only by a psychosomatic way of thinking. Bodies and mind must be brought into harmony.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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