Diagnosis laboratory

References to certain illnesses give these to laboratory examinations for an erectile dysfunction causatively been different are. (Patient interview) also should to the cause finding after the diagnosis position by the anamnesis, a blood test be made.

Blood sugar value: Like already under "cause diabetes" the illness diabetes mellitus to nerves was discussed and vessel damages leads, it is natural after that the blood sugar value is part of the standard examinations . (exclusion of diabetes mellitus as a cause of the impotence).

Cholesterol: The blood fat cholesterol also can give reference to a vessel illness. A high LDL cholesterol also leads to vessel damages and with that for the inferior circulation of the penis vessels . at increase lasting for years (arteriosclerosis = vessel calcification)

PSA: The PSA (prostate specific antigen) is intended for the early diagnosis of the prostate cancer. This hormone should be also at the clearance of the erectile dysfunction certainly since it can come to the impotence also at prostate cancer.

Hypogonadism: The hypogonadism is at a functional disorder of the testicle the it comes due to missing or insufficient sex hormones to an involution of the sexual characteristics. Reduced libido and erectile dysfunction are the consequence. The test of the testosterone is carried out most at men more than 50 years. This hormone should be determined also at reduced libido (sexual desire.) Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. The libido and the potency of the testosterone is steered at the adult man.

Kidney values: Kidney illnesses can lead to a reduced production of the hormone erythropoietin. This hormone is responsible for the blood formation (red blood cells). By the reduced blood formation it comes to the anemia in the consequence. Then the anemia leads to tiredness, lack of appetite, impotence or cardiac insufficiency.

Thyroid gland values: It can come to miscellaneous symptoms at a thyroid hypofunction. The persons affected are freezing weight gain and constipations appear lightly complain about weakness, achievement inability, tiredness. It can come to the erectile dysfunction (impotence) at men. The test of the thyroid gland values is part of the base diagnostics because of this.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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