Impotence erectile dysfunction


There are different approaches of the definition of an erectile dysfunction in the literature. An erectile dysfunction also is called impotence colloquially. In principle, one distinguishes two species of the impotence. The impotentia coeundi describes actually this what we understand by impotence. It is the inability for the attainment or retention of an erection (stiff development of the extremity) for the execution of the coitus. It in addition often comes to ejaculation disturbances (ejaculation disturbances). It can come to a delayed or premature ejaculation.

Furthermore gives still that one of so many produce a child like the inability considerably, the impotentia generandi, at normally received erection. It comes to the ejaculation but the quantity or quality of the semen isn't sufficient.

The erection disturbances colloquially usually are thought at impotence. Not every form of the erection disturbance must be treated as equivalent to an impotence. There is well these disturbances at every man, in the course of its life if this one is they appear harmlessly only at times. An approx. 6-month uninterrupted is regarded as a chronic illness and therefore really impotent insist as a time factor. The penis into the vagina should (penetrate) fail approx. ¾ of the sexual penetration experiments. There are all sorts of details on the frequency of the erectile dysfunction in the literature. It could be up to 50% of the over 40-year-old concerned. We will be able to state exact numbers only very with difficulty. However, the fewest ones concerned undergo a therapy.

In front of years one still thought that the impotence is a predominantly psychic illness, today Weiss, one thanks more modernly examination procedures that the impotence has organic causes in the predominant majority. In addition psychic problems appear to be natural at this illness. The erectile dysfunction is often a harbinger of considerably serious illnesses, too. Many persons affected don't go out of false sense of shame to the physician.

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