Diagnosis anamnesis

On one heart, circulation, is illness, if the patient interview (anamnesis) shouldn't only concentrate on the symptoms of the impotence, after the erectile dysfunction (impotence) often indication. The interview leads retrosternal pain of physical efficiency, dyspnea at load, up to the "real" symptoms of the impotence. Questions about the libido (sexual desire) are included whether morning erections availably are (in which extent), how long can want to maintain an erection, whether a penetration is etc. possible. All these questions are for the physician of an utmost importance to recognize the heaviness degree of the disturbance. It also becomes all earlier illnesses questioned, e.g. earlier accidents or operations. All this can be a cause of the impotence (erectile dysfunction). Do also questions on the way of life and how much is smoked, taking of alcohol and crowd, whether put become drug consumption. It is very important to answer these questions exactly since the physician can make an overall picture to itself only in such a way.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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