Not medicinal

Effective not medicinal measures have proved different procedures to be suitable for the effective hypotension as broadly applicable antihypertensiv also into studies. The effectiveness of the procedures depends on the cooperation of the patient more than all other things and therefore is usable only after a careful tradeoff of the actual possibilities alone. Patients are difficult to practice so that medicines often don't have here to be avoided whereas medicine should absolutely be pressed for physical activity and nutrition rearrangement at overweight or very young patients at old around often rearrangements of the nutrition avoid, for example.

- Weight reduction
The most important criterion is the reduction of the body weight ideally to the normal area of (BMI to 25). Even a moderate reduction of the body weight can lower the blood pressure (approx. 2 mmHg per kg of weight reduction!)

- Common table salt restriction
The connection between common table salt consumption and blood pressure height into populations can be accepted as safeguarded, doesn't apply to all hypertension patients, however. The presenting studies allow the closure, that a reduction in the sodiumchloride supply leads to a therapeutically useful hypotension and therefore can be recommended for about 4-6 g/day (70-100 mmaol). The following procedure is recommended to the reduction of the minimum common table salt supply on about 6 g or 100 mmol: In principle, doing without common table salt and using other spices of vegetable origin for it when boiling independently. This portion (doesn't) not represent to salt courts at table usually, prefer a fresh or frozen food opposite conserves, avoid a common table salt rich food and show basic foodstuff, such as bread and dairy products, in the balance with tables any more than 10% of the total consumption, though.

- Avoidance of alcohol
A chronic alcohol abuse leads to the blood pressure increase as you proved in several studies. By a complete renunciation or reduction on quantities under 20 g/this one alcohol can at 90% of the patients a caused brought back to normal be, also at all others hypertension shapes hypertension has the renunciation on alcohol unite the blood pressure positive effect on the blood pressure values.

- Avoidance of nicotine
Cigarette smoking increases the cardiovascular risk considerably at mild and at heavier high printing forms both with untreated and with treated hypertension sick persons. Although the smoking doesn't have any direct hypertension triggering effect the avoidance of the cigarette smoking is a particularly effective opportunity, the life expectancy for the above-mentioned reasons to increase the hypertension patients.

- Rearrangement of the nutrition
Furthermore it is furred that by the rearrangement of the nutrition to a fruit and vegetables rich diet and the reduction of the fat portion the blood pressure is lowered significantly. Portion as a rule, a vegetarian diet means a sodium poor woman, energy reduced the multiple unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and roughage empires diet with a changed supply of vitamins and trace elements as well as an increase. The multiply unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids lead besides a reduction in the LDL cholesterol of blood pressure values also increased to the ptosis. This effect was both in which these fatty acids were enriched at the application of fish or vegetable oils and at a corresponding parliamentary allowance proved. It, however, isn't possible to identify single nutrition components which are responsible in a special way for the hypotension.

- Physical training / Sports / Stress reduction
Broader possibilities of the not medicinal hypotension are physical training and psychic physiologically oriented relaxation procedure and stress mastering. The blood pressure lowering effect of a physical training, physical inactivity existing at before particularly has been proved multiply. It must be emphasized, that a rise of the physical activity which is moderate but practiced continuously can already lead to the hypotension or less need for medicines (minimum: Training with staying power, e.g. walking, 30 minutes jog or ride a bike 3 x/week). On the other hand it was described that the additional gift of antihypertensives doesn't strengthen the hypotension significantly to a physical training at a mild hypertension.

The individual load measure for the single hypertension sick person can be assessed by ergometryc load. As a coarse rule of thumb a training frequency of 180 has to be recommended minus age also for the hypertension sick person in which at the beginning of the training a gradual increase of the load measure to the maximal load is recommended absolutely (avoiding also around overloads of the musculoskeletal system). Be taken into account at the combination with blood pressure medicines, it must therefore be taken into account for the specification of the load measure that the load dependent heart rate increase is reduced under beta receptorblocker (minus 10-20 % in the submaximalen area). Beta blockers have to be avoided rather therefore in the combination with a physical training. Therapy psychic physiologically orientated: For procedures like breath relaxation procedures, autogenous training and stress mastering programs a blood pressure lowering effect was comparison groups proved opposite.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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