Schnitzer diet

Dr. Schnitzer has developed two diet shapes, a strict intensive diet and an a little loose normal diet. It assumes that the primeval men have mainly eaten from a vegetable raw fruit and vegetables and only rarely animal foods ate.

The intensive diet stipulates a strictly vegetarian raw fruit and vegetables. One may eat only raw vegetables and fruit. Animal foods, semi-luxury items, potatoes, whole grain products, bread, sugar, candy, eggs, milk and dairy products are forbidden absolutely.

The minimum calorie supply mustn't exceed 1500 calories. The normal diet is a little more liberal against this, whole grain products, bread, potatoes, are eggs in small quantities here, permitted cheese, milk and dairy products. The minimum addition of energy is higher than at the intensive diet, amounts to 2200 calories. This diet doesn't have to be lightly carried out since the used foods only may date from a biological cultivation after wood carver.

The intensive diet is far too unilateral and low-energy, one only gets few minerals, egg-white and vitamins. But not only the intensive diet but also the normal diet doesn't make any balanced nutrition possible. The nutrition rearrangement and sports is missing at this diet, therefore the jojo effect is automatic and the lost pounds come back quite rapidly.

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