Rice diet

A rice diet has several variants which are hardly different from each other. Through the high potassium content of the rice the body loses much water. By the drainage of the body it then comes rapidly to the weight loss. Is reis fat-free and the recipes of the rice diet also contain hardly any or very little fat, the fat depots are attacked and the reserves used up soon.

Almost all foods are permitted actually, one should carefully go round much fruit, vegetables, grain whole grain products and fish, only with foods with a high fat content like pork, olives and nuts. Salt and spicy foods aren't recommended here because salt binds the water in the human body. More roughages, vitamins and minerals than peeled rice contain brown rice like whole grain or wild rice. In turn what can lead to deficiency symptoms this species of the nutrition isn't unilateral, however, defy high roughage, minerals and vitamin narrowness hold gets the organism to few calories, proteins and fats. The too heavy water loss isn't healthy and harmless at all. The rice diet isn't preprogramed to recommend despite a simple execution the false eating habituations remain unchanged because the nutrition rearrangement is completely missing and the Jojo effect is so for duration. Without physical motion and sports no continuous success has anyway to be expected.

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