Potato diet

The potato diet is one of the most popular parliamentary allowance at all

Apart from potato food prepared differently one also may fruit, vegetables, salad, fish, low-fat meat, curd cheese, bread and whole grain products take. One only must take care that the potatoes are prepared without fat. Alcohol, cream, cheeses, eggs and salt, are forbidden.

You aren't richly an unsaturated fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins at carbohydrates, contained which in the long run can lead to deficiency symptoms, however. With this diet one decreases, one loses the pounds rapidly, however, becomes no fat of the organism dismantled but only water since potato drains. So one loses no fat but only water! After the completion of the diet the pounds come back rapidly and the jojo effect appears. Potato may taste nice but is here not the slightest talk on a complete nutrition rearrangement and sports.

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