Montignac method

A carbohydrate-conscious nutrition hides behind the Montignac method. The French nutrition specialist Michel Montignac distinguishes between "bad" and "good" carbohydrates. "Bad" carbohydrates have a high, "good" to Montignac unite low glycemic index. The "bad" carbohydrates are more rapidly digestible than the "good" ones and activate the pancreas to the overproduction of insulin. The hormone insulin is one of the main reasons of obesity. Energy excess is arisen from a high insulin mirror stored as a fat depot to the body. It is aim of this diet to lower the insulin mirror to bring the blood sugar values back to normal.

It assumes that high blood sugar values favor the fat construction. Fruit, vegetables, whole grain and cereal products are permitted, on the other hand, potatoes, bread and candy are forbidden.

This diet is subdivided in two phases:

- at the beginning foods will be consumed only exclusively with a low glycemic index,

- foods also may be consumed with an a little higher glycemic index than compensation in the second phase.

This diet is also unilateral and leads to an unbalanced nutrition with that. The danger of the Jojo effect is relatively high. The talk on sports and physical motion isn't here at all!!

Montignac, method, a diet, parliamentary allowance, carbohydrate, carbohydrate carbohydrate-conscious , bad good, low, high, glycemic, index, pancreas, hormone, insulin, fat, fat depot, energy excess, excess, energy, blood, blood sugar, values . blood sugar values, fat dissimilation, dissimilation, phases, jojo, effect, sports, motion

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