Milk roll cure to F. X. Mayr

The Mayr diet is offered as a particularly intestine gentle diet. Base of this diet is a "milk roll cure" with many fluids, different teas and base soups. It is permitted on the day twice in the morning and at noon to take a firm nutrition, 3-4 days old solid roll into smallest particles chewed and by the spoonful milk to this. The roll will chew completely liquefies by intensive. Different soups and vegetable broth otherwise are offered. Silent mineral water and herb tea serve as drink. Nothing more may be only drunk eaten as of 4 p.m..

It is recommended to carry out this diet under supervision best in clinical complexes. In the clinic one learns to switch the eating habituations over completely and one gets in addition an abdomen massage with abdomen breathing exercises. The motivation is also greater than alone in the group.

However, a milk roll cure is extremely unilateral since the body gets too few nutrients. One has the pounds rapidly in bulk, however, only fats but also proteins aren't dismantled. By metabolism rearrangement the hungry feeling is suppressed. The deficiency supply can to heart circulation troubles, muscle weakness, malaise, do rapidly lead, headaches and attacks of gout.

However, the Mayr diet cannot be recommended for duration because although take-off can increased extremely become the chances of Jojo effect rapidly, however if one the nutrition behavior only is switched over to short time during the cure stay and the causes of the overweight aren't fought.

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